Lawyer excessive noise

Noise Ordinances are local laws prohibiting excessive and unnecessary noise. Ordinances often include prohibitions on excessive noise during specified time periods, such as between the hours of 10:00 pm and 7:00 am on weekdays. Noise ordinances may also prohibit continuous noise from industrial or commercial businesses near residential areas.

The first thing you should do if you think your neighbor is being unreasonably loud is approach them and talk to them about the problem. Communication often leads to a resolution. Next, warn your neighbor that you will call the police or take legal action if they are in violation of a noise ordinance. Finally, call the police and report the noise if your neighbor has ignored your warnings.

If you think you may want to sue your neighbor for violating a noise ordinance, or if a similar lawsuit has been brought against.

You may be able to sue your neighbor for monetary damages or get a court order forcing your neighbor to stop making the noise. In order to succeed you will be required to show:

  • The existence of excessive and unreasonable noise
  • Your neighbor is responsible for the noise
  • Your neighbor refuses to stop making the noise
  • The noise adversely affects your enjoyment of your home

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